[world] Memory Map


We will begin our Memoir Unit with a creative project: a Memory Map. Follow the instructions below to craft a visual collection of memories that you may eventually mine for your written memoir. 

Your assignment: You will create a visual “map’ of your life so far. Make sure to include important people, settings, and events. Include things you have learned that matter to you and include things that differentiate you form other people.

Your memory map can be in the form of a collage, a time line or presented in some other creative way. Each Memory Map must include the following:

  • Your name and what it means to you
  • Important people in your life—of course you will include family and friends, but also think about other people who have shaped you or taught you lessons
  • Important places you have lived
  • Important lessons you have learned
  • Important achievements or disappointments
  • Important births or deaths
  • Anything else you know is important to who you are that you feel comfortable sharing

You will be graded on effort, completeness, and creativity. Good luck!

EDIT: Here is a link to prezi.com where you can make interactive slideshows for your project. This is just one option; remember that you can use any medium that you desire. 

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